Local Manufacturers Kickoff Manufacturing Month 2017 Local Manufacturers Kickoff Manufacturing Month 2017 Over 100 attend EDC’s 2nd Annual State of Manufacturing Event. Space Coast, FL (September 27, 2017) – Brevard County manufacturers rang in Manufacturing Month 2017 at the 2nd Annual State of Manufacturing event, hosted by the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast’s (EDC) Regional Manufacturing Association (MASC). Brevard County certainly has reason to celebrate, as it is home to the highest concentration of manufacturing employment in the State, with over 500 local manufacturers representing 23,000 workers. On September 19th, Commissioner Curt Smith presented a proclamation to the EDC and MASC, declaring October 2017 as Manufacturing Month in Brevard County. As manufacturing is a pillar of the Space Coast economy, Manufacturing Month is a significant tool in promoting and fostering the industry. Manufacturing Month is a national grassroots effort that shapes the public perception of modern manufacturing. Events during the month include facility tours, high school presentations, open houses, and job-shadowing programs, educating students, educators, customers, suppliers, and the community at large about manufacturing, its impact on the economy, and the diverse and rewarding career opportunities it offers. Several local companies plan to take part in these efforts, further promoting the innovation and opportunities available on the Space Coast. During the event, Dr. Aaron Schmerbeck, Chief Economist for CareerSource Florida, presented on the “State of Manufacturing”, concentrating on the supply and demand for manufacturing talent here on the Space Coast. “The Space Coast has a unique and exciting manufacturing industry,” said Dr. Schmerbeck. “This sector projects stability in the next five years, and has the highest average wage in the region. We do see a greater need for a talented workforce pipeline, locally and nationally, as skilled manufacturing workers retire and the manufacturing industry evolves and expands.” “The EDC continues to focus efforts, along with Brevard’s manufacturing community and elected officials, in developing a strong talent-pipeline to fuel innovation on the Space Coast for generations to come,” stated Lynda Weatherman, president and CEO of the EDC. “This event highlighted those efforts, as well as the robust manufacturing industry here in Brevard County.” “As a founding member of MASC, it’s exciting to see the Space Coast being represented during Manufacturing Month,” said Phil Hayes, EDC Chairman of the Board. “With 1,600 new Space Coast Manufacturing jobs added in the last year, we certainly have a reason to celebrate our local industry.” “I’m proud to have been a part of MASC and Manufacturing Month since the beginning,” said Mike Ennis, Chairman of the EDC’s Industry Council and MASC. “Manufacturing Month is about opening the manufacturing world to the public and communicating what modern manufacturing is all about – there is a lot to celebrate.” To learn more about Manufacturing Month, visit www.MFGDay.com ### About the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast The Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast (EDC) is dedicated to attracting new business and investment and expanding existing industry throughout the Space Coast, influencing change on government laws and regulations affecting economic development, promoting the Space Coast to encourage new investment, supporting efforts of Space Coast military installations, and relaying new programs and procedures to assist manufacturing and high-tech companies. The EDC is a private, not-for-profit coalition whose stakeholders are business leaders committed to the economic growth and stability of Florida’s Space Coast. Visit www.SpaceCoastEDC.org About the Manufacturers Association of Florida’s Space Coast (MASC) The Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast’s (EDC) Regional Manufacturing Association (MASC) serves as the succinct voice for Brevard County’s robust and diverse manufacturing base through action oriented efforts. Established to serve the needs of regional manufacturing companies, membership is open to all eligible manufacturing companies on the Space Coast and Investors in the EDC. Details on member benefits, membership structure, cost(s) and eligibility are further described at www.MASpaceCoast.com spacecoastedc2020-06-12T13:42:32-04:00September 27th, 2017| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkEmail