EDC Awards Innovation Company of the Year to Structural Composites EDC Awards Matrix Composites, Inc. with Small Manufacturer of the Year Matrix Composites recently expanded facilities to prepare for further growth and investment. Space Coast, FL (May 10, 2018) –At the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast’s (EDC) 5th Annual Made In Brevard Expo, Matrix Composites, Inc. was awarded with the 2018 Small Manufacturer of the Year Award. The Manufacturer of the Year award recognizes a Brevard County manufacturer that in the past 24 months has made or announced a significant investment in Brevard County through job creation and/or retention, new capital investment, and new construction. The company also demonstrates leadership in corporate citizenship, making key contributions to the region’s quality of life, demonstrating long-term commitment to the Space Coast. “Matrix Composites is uniquely positioned to provide composites manufacturing services to notable commercial space launch providers,” said Lynda Weatherman, president and CEO of the EDC. “We’re excited to see what they have in store as they continue to grow and create opportunities that strengthen our community.” Headquartered in Rockledge, Matrix Composites has been working over the past several years to diversify their customer base, and recently increased its operations from 29,000 to 42,000 square feet. This expansion includes facilities and machinery required to manufacture high volume composite structures for multiple aerospace customers. Capitalizing on the Company’s unique manufacturing capabilities and extensive past experience developing affordable, high technology composite products, Matrix has secured significant business in support of GE’s LEAP and GEnX engines used on Boeing 737, 747, and 787 aircraft, as well as with Pratt & Whitney on all of their commercial NGPF engines. In addition, the Company and expects to see its sales double over the next two years. “Since our inception in the early nineties, we have watched the Space Coast really develop as a premiere aerospace manufacturing and development hub, says David Nesbitt, President and CEO of Matrix Composites. “We are very proud to be a part of this growth and appreciate all that this community has to offer.” Past winners of this prestigious award include: • 2012 – Harris Corporation • 2014 – Sun Nuclear Corporation • 2015 – MC Assembly • 2016 – Paragon Plastics, Inc. • 2017 – Embraer The EDC’s Made In Brevard Expo showcases the amazing products and designs that are produced locally, to educate the community on the depth of the Space Coast’s robust manufacturing industry. Additionally, the Expo is designed to drive interest in career opportunities in modern manufacturing. By communicating the positive image of manufacturing and the rewarding careers in the sector, the Made In Brevard Expo helps build the skilled talent needed to support the region’s 500+ manufacturing companies. For more information on the Space Coast’s manufacturing industry, visit www.ManufacturingInBrevard.org Pictured – Phil Hayes, EDC’s Chair of the Board and Ken Brace, Owner Rapid Prototyping Services, presents Paul Oppenheim and David Nesbitt of Matrix Composites with the 2018 Small Manufacturer of the Year Award. (L-R) Hayes, Oppenheim, Nesbitt, and Brace. ### About the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast The Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast (EDC) is dedicated to attracting new business and investment and expanding existing industry throughout the Space Coast, influencing change on government laws and regulations affecting economic development, promoting the Space Coast to encourage new investment, supporting efforts of Space Coast military installations, and relaying new programs and procedures to assist manufacturing and high-tech companies. The EDC is a private, not-for-profit coalition whose stakeholders are business leaders committed to the economic growth and stability of Florida’s Space Coast. Visit www.SpaceCoastEDC.org spacecoastedc2020-06-12T14:04:55-04:00May 10th, 2018| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkEmail