EDC announces slate of officers for fiscal year 2019/2020 EDC announces slate of officers for fiscal year 2019/2020 Newly appointed Chair, Joe Mayer, leads prestigious leadership lineup. SPACE COAST, Fla. (October 22, 2019) – During its 2019 Annual Meeting on October 16, the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast (EDC) announced its slate of officers for its Fiscal Year 2019/2020 as follows: – Chair, Mr. Joe Mayer Director, Government Relations – Florida, Lockheed Martin Space – Chair Elect, Ms. Julie Song President, FL Business & Manufacturing Solutions, Inc. – Treasurer, Mr. Bart Gaetjens Area External Affairs Manager, Florida Power & Light Company – Secretary, Mr. Kirk Hall CEO/CFO, Sentry View Systems – Immediate Past Chair, Ms. Dana Kilborne The EDC officers represent a wide array of Space Coast industries. This group of professionals who provide valuable expertise in their fields, will enhance the EDC’s economic development efforts. Officers guide the EDC towards established strategic goals as it works on behalf of the community to create opportunities for the county, local businesses, and citizens. “I look forward to my next 12 months as Chair of the EDC. We will collaborate with our partners to build a community of choice that makes Brevard so attractive to individuals, families and businesses,” said Mayer. “We will build our resources, tackle the big challenges and opportunities, maximize our leverage, and secure a growing and prosperous future.” During the event, Immediate Past Chair, Dana Kilborne, reflected on her tenure as Chair, “I’m proud to have served as Chair of our dedicated EDC. This past year our community saw some of the first signs of the next developmental era for the Space Coast as the full potential of our community continues to be realized. I’m confident this success will continue.” “Our Officers continue to be an instrumental part of the EDC’s mission and program of work”, said Lynda Weatherman, president and CEO of the EDC. “I value their leadership and strategic guidance year after year.” To learn more about the EDC and its officers visit www.SpaceCoastEDC.org/Officers ### About the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast The Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast (EDC) is dedicated to attracting new business and investment and expanding existing industry throughout the Space Coast, influencing change on government laws and regulations affecting economic development, promoting the Space Coast to encourage new investment, supporting efforts of Space Coast military installations, and relaying new programs and procedures to assist manufacturing and high-tech companies. The EDC is a private, not-for-profit coalition whose stakeholders are business leaders committed to the economic growth and stability of Florida’s Space Coast. Visit www.SpaceCoastEDC.org. spacecoastedc2020-06-12T14:54:23-04:00October 22nd, 2019| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkEmail