10 Awarded S.N.A.P Recertification 10 Awarded S.N.A.P Recertification Nine communities and one district continue to benefit from streamlined permitting initiatives Brevard County, FL (February 4, 2016) – The Economic Development Commission (EDC) of Florida’s Space Coast is pleased to announce that nine municipalities and one district earned recertification under the EDC’s S.N.A.P. program. S.N.A.P stands for Simplified, Nimble, and Accelerated Permitting. It identifies municipalities and agencies that have adopted permitting best practices. Since 2011, each municipality throughout the county has been awarded a S.N.A.P. certification. The following communities received their recertification, signifying their long-term commitment to maintaining a high-level of efficiency. They are: the cities of Cape Canaveral, Cocoa, Cocoa Beach, Melbourne, Palm Bay, Rockledge, Satellite Beach, Titusville, West Melbourne and the St. Johns River Water Management District. All were recognized for their achievement at the EDC Board of Directors meeting held last night at the Courtyard by Marriott in Cocoa Beach. Lynda Weatherman, president and CEO of the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast commended the award recipients on their efforts for continuous improvement and for understanding the value it brings to the competitive business environment of Brevard County. “The drive to achieve economic sustainability and remain competitive takes more than one organization. It requires an important partnership between the EDC and the local municipalities to work together and find solutions. I am honored to have this level of collaboration with our cities and district,” stated Weatherman. Luke Miorelli, president of M.E.C. Contractors & Engineers and EDC Development Council Chair spoke about the importance of permitting efficiencies as it relates to his business. “S.N.A.P was created to address inefficiencies which often plague the permitting process. This best practices model created by the EDC council and our local municipalities have reduced waiting times for permits throughout the county. This program provides the accountability measures needed, ensuring this streamlined process remains an integral part of the system.” ### About the Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast The Economic Development Commission of Florida’s Space Coast (EDC) is dedicated to attracting new business and investment and expanding existing industry throughout the Space Coast, influencing change on government laws and regulations affecting economic development, promoting the Space Coast to encourage new investment, supporting efforts of Space Coast military installations, and relaying new programs and procedures to assist manufacturing and high tech companies. The EDC is a private, not-for-profit coalition whose stakeholders are business leaders committed to the economic growth and stability of Florida’s Space Coast. Visit www.SpaceCoastEDC.org. spacecoastedc2020-06-12T12:55:04-04:00February 4th, 2016| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkEmail